Individuals with horse show industry experience may register your credentials with the ESC Officials Registry, which is made available to horse shows in our Network. 

$6M Official's Liability Insurance is complimentary to Judges under contract at an ESC sanctioned show.  This insurance is also availble for purchase at a discount for show officials serving as a Judge, Show Manager, Steward or Ringmaster.

ESC Officials Insurance is underwritten by Liability Insurance through the National Association of Sports Officials. 

Official Information

National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) Insurance

National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) is offering all Equine Sports Council registered officials liability insurance which includes horse show judges, ringmasters and stewards. For only $124/year you will join over 29,000 officials from the NFL, NHL, NBA, NSL, NHL and Race Horse Industry. NASO has been working for over 30 years with legislative officials to achieve protective status to sporting officials in multiple states across the US. NASO also protects its officials against slander and liable and offers legal counseling.

The officials insurance covers any horse show exhibition or clinic in the USA or Canada. All levels of competition are covered from academy tournaments to national and world championship events. The coverage protects anyone serving in the capacity of:

  • Judge
  • Ringmaster
  • Steward
  • Show Manager

The 12 month ESC group policy with the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) and can be purchased for $124. The policy includes the following amounts for each horse show official:

  • $6 Million per incident
  • $14 Million per aggregate
  • $100,000 Errors & Omissions per pinning dispute
  • $15,500 personal physical assault against officials
  • Liable & Slander Protections
  • NASO Legal Counseling

Select Type of ESC Officials Registration

Please select type of Official's Registration and optional NASO insurance, if desired.  The Official's Registry is a FREE service. 
Registration Type *
Current Total:
Confirm Judging Contract Signed *

Judging Experience

Select current or former Judge's Cards that you have/had, and/or Non-Licensed experience you have.
Judging Experience
Breeds/Disciplines Licensed to Judge:
"Industry Experience" Judging

Other Industry Experience

Other Industry Experience

Optional Professional References

Optionally, provide a professional statement as to your concentration or experience. Professionals with a statement and documented references receive more jobs.